Out of the darkness…


Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day, the darkest deep of winter…As the darkness deepened it is no wonder our ancestors began to doubt the Sun would ever return, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, low mood are common at this time of year still…imagine being amongst those first humans before the slow awakening to cycles and seasons…but then imagine too the warmth of your tribe gathered together to face fear and darkness together, setting aside petty squabbles to unite against the dark and offer all you collectively could to turn the darkness aside and bring back the light…
Today’s Solstice is known by the druids as Alban Arthan, Art – bear in Gaelic – referring to Ursa Major – the Great She-Bear…Artio is a germanic-celtic bear goddess who heralds new life and the resurgence of growth…

It also happens to be the Last Quarter for the Moon.. this lunar phase encourages self-care, attention to detail and relection…

Let Artio and the Moon inspire your practice today…

Whether you gather with loved ones or honour the Solstice solo, now is the time to recognise your dark, acknowledge your past and reflect on how you came to be here today…

And then turn to embrace your light, feel the warmth gathering inside, radiating, awakening, animating…

Try the Shining Jewel Mudra from Energy Healing for Women as an opening meditation…then take a few moments to set your intentions…simply stating you are willing to let what is done go, that’s enough…recognise that it is done and give yourself permission to move forward at your own pace…now, consider how you wish to be in the coming months… no resolutions here sweet souls…keep it present and positive…”I am abundant” : “I keep life simple” : “I love myself and care well for myself”…What do you need, what do your bones long for, what yearning burns in your heart…I’m not asking you to set goals here…intention is the key…and now choose one simple, easy thing you can do today that will align you with your intention…


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